MYANMAR – The terrorist junta council carried out an airstrike at a monastery in Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State and killed a monk, according to locals.
A junta jet fighter dropped two 500 lb bombs into Banar Dana Monastery in Mikathit Village Tract of Kyaikmayaw Township at around 1:50 a.m. on December 1 and Ven. Thawma who had been ordained for 42 years was hit by shrapnel and passed away, reported a resident.
In addition, the junta artillery strike on Maungma Ywarthit Village in Kawkareik Township, Karen State injured a civilian and destroyed two cars, announced Karen National Union (KNU) Central.
Junta infantry 97 base in Kawkareik shelled Maungma Ywarthit Village on November 29 around 5:30 p.m., and Ms. Yin Thaung was injured in her left arm.
Junta forces shelled the village again on that night at 9:30 p.m., and the shells landed in the monastery compound, destroying two cars parked in the compound.