NORTHERN SHAN STATE – According to the MNDAA’s Lashio restoration department, CDM staff are being called back for the restoration of Lashio, which was captured by the MNDAA from the junta council.
In the interview session of a spokesperson of the department, he said, “Applications from the CDM staff have been accepted since August 13th, and CDM staff from other cities and villages can also apply.”
The application must be accompanied by a letter from the department where the employee was dismissed because of joining CDM. If they can’t show the official letter of dismissal, the endorsement of another CDM staff within the department is required.
Currently, there are more than 270 applicants and they are recruiting for more than 20 departments.
Currently, the treatment section of the health department has began its operations with CDM staff and the education department will be operating soon, while other departments will be run depending on the return of the population to the city, he said.
Some residents of Lashio have returned, but it is known that only 20,000 of the city’s previous population of nearly 200,000 have returned, and it is reported that some of the returning residents may flee the war again after the junta council bombed it on the night of August 30.