SAGAING DIVISION: In Sagaing division, the strike forces and the local civilians reportedly demanded to retain ambassador H.E. Kyaw Moe Tun at the UN on October 3.
In Yinmarbin Township, Sagaing Division, “Nauk Pyan Ma Hlae Kyay Di Taw Hlan Yay (this revolution shall not turn back) Public Strike Column” was said to have led a rally to show support to the Ambassador H.E. Kyaw Moe Tun, holding the banner “Our Ambassador Myanmar’s Voice”
At a village in Yinmarbin Township, “Aung Lan Hlwint Myi Daung Thway Ni Strike Column” was known to organise a rally to retain H.E. Kyaw Moe Tun at the UN diplomatic credentials battle.
At a village in Yinmarbin Township, the “Lunge Ahmarn Strike Column” and “Multi-Villages Strike Committee” were known to have cooperated, marching to retain the ambassador H.E. Kyaw Moe Tun at the stage on UN.
The strike forces in Sagaing Division are known to be organising the daily rally to retain the ambassador, H.E Kyaw Moe Tun.