THAILAND- It was reported that seven Burmese died in a car accident in Thailand trying to evade a security checkpoint.
According to Thai News Source, the pick-up car crashed into a lamp post and plunged into a canal trying to avoid a police checkpoint, The accident occurred near Village number 8, Bang Len district of Nakhon Pathom province in the early morning of October 20.
After running away from a police checkpoint, the car was unable to control its speed at a turn and skidded off the road resulting in a serious situation, stated the Thai police.
All the deceased were Myanmar nationals, 2 men and 5 women. Thai press has not revealed whether the victims died of the car crash itself or due to drowning after the car crashed into the canal.
The bodies were taken to the hospital by local social welfare organizations. The police also said that post-mortem examinations would be conducted.