NORTHERN SHAN STATE- According to Charities Without-Borders Group, a person was injured by a heavy weapon fired by the military council on September 1, around 5:00 p.m., at Konesom Village, Hsipaw Town.
It is reported that Charities Without Borders Group provided emergency medical treatment to a patient at Konesom Village (Lisu Village).
At around 7:45 p.m., another large weapon also fell in the town, but no injuries have been reported yet.
“I haven’t heard any casualty report. It is from the same spot as yesterday’s shooting. Someone from the Tonsint area got injured in the evening,” said a resident of Patam Mountain, Hsipaw Town, told the News Agency.
A Y (12) Military Transport Aircraft hovered over Hsipaw Town for some time on September 1 and reportedly dropped packages at around 2:45 p.m. So, residents of Hsipaw and Kyaukme towns are warning each other to be careful (and alert) during sleep at night.
The military council bombed Kyaukme Town on August 28 and 29 for two consecutive days, and hundreds of aerial bombs were dropped on Hsipaw Town on August 27.