SHAN STATE – MNDAA said that the terrorist junta army carried out aerial bombings with its fighter jets on Hseni Township, which was acquired by the Northern Alliance and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA).
On October 10, at around 2:30 a.m., the terrorist junta army bombarded with its fighter jets on the residential houses in Man Chet Village of Pang Lawt Village Tract, Hseni Township. Although there was no death, five people were injured. Internet access is down in Hseni Town and only telecommunications are accessible.
Due to the atrocious junta’s airstrike and artillery attacks on Hsipaw, Kyaukme, Nawnghkio, Namhkan, Lashio and Mongyai towns, between August 26 to October 6, killing 55 people, injuring 139 people, destroying over 450 buildings, including schools, pagodas, hotels and universities. Although there is military conflict in the areas targeted by the junta council, such as Hsipaw and Nawnghkio towns, the majority of civilian deaths and damage to residential buildings are due to airstrikes in areas of resistance control where there is no current fighting, according to the Shan Human Rights Foundation.