Everyone wrote something that’s touching …
I was contemplating on how I should write it but I’ll write it like how I would hehe…

Certainly there’s been countless many things that we’ve done with ARMYs and I wonder if it’s been too long but after a blink of an eye, 10 years have already passed ?.?

I can’t clearly remember each and every thing. I think there were lots of good and happy things and many times we were sad and cried but… it’s a bit vivid ..

Of course if I pull each and every out and take a look at it, I’d know it all but I always just look at the present so it’s become a habit to forget the past quickly cries .. but hyungs remembers everything though .. but if I talk about it, I know it all too !!!
It’s just that .. it’s become a memory that’s resting for a moment ! It’s ALLLLLL in this jeon jungkook’s heart hehe and the fact that the 10 years passed by in a blink of an eye means that it’s been that much of an enjoyable time for me ! Time would go extremely slow if it wasn’t fun and not full of happiness and not enjoyable right !

Thanks to ARMYs, in the blink of an eye it’s already the 10th anniversary !!!
Thank you so much for being with us throughout the 10 years !!!
From now on and forward, let’s thoroughly and brilliantly walk while ARMYs are healthy and bts are healthy and we both love 🙂

Now I cannot imagine a life without ARMY ㅜㅜ
But as I’m writing this letter, I’m feeling that my personality has changed a lot too hm ..
Anyways the conclusion, what’s the big deal with the 10th anniversary? Let’s go into the 20th anniversary!