MYANMAR- The Terrorist Junta Council has no longer limited military spending and allowed additional spending. Almost thirty percent of the country’s funds are known to be currently spent on military expenses.
On November 21, at the Finance Commission meeting in Nay Pyi Taw, chaired by the deputy coup leader Soe Win, it was reported that military expenditures were allowed to be increased if necessary.
Although the military council is reducing expenses on imports; spending is being reduced in all sectors that require foreign currency, including education and health, military expense is allowed to be increased as necessary.
At the meeting of the Finance Commission, the relevant ministries have re-deposited excess money, but the expenditure of the Ministry of Defense and the army has spent more than originally planned. Despite an excess expenditure, coup leaders no longer limit the military spending and further expenses are allowed.
In addition, the military council is planning to raise taxes. In the fiscal year 2024-2025, the revenue is targeted to be 35,000 billion kyats, but the deputy leader Soe Win instructed to increase the tax money to 40,700. 364 billion kyats. It is planned to spend 42,000 billion kyats in the fiscal year, but currently, even in the 8 months of this financial year, expenses exceed 39,000 billion kyats. Due to military expenses, the amount of money to be spent is expected to be further increased.
According to the amount currently spent by the Military Council, the military expenditure is almost 30 percent of the country’s total budget. In particular, according to the military service law, recruits are called in every month, the weapons and ammunition production in the factories are increased, the expenses on the living of recruits rise, spending more on military aircraft and helicopters and weapons imported from foreign countries, the military expenditure has reached 30 percent of the country’s budget.