MANDALAY DIVISION – There was drone strike on the terrorist junta-owned Mytel headquarters on 62nd and 38th streets in Mahaaungmyay Township, two pro-junta Pyu Saw Htee militants that were guarding the office, according to Mr. Saw John of Shwebo District Battalion – 15.
On July 19, at around 4:30 a.m., the Resistance Fighters attacked with kamikaze drone to the junta-backed armed militiamen, who were guarding the junta’s Mytel headquarters on 62nd and 38th streets in Mahaaungmyay Township, a bomb landed and exploded on the camp and two Pyu Saw Htee thugs were killed.
“We attacked with just a Kamikaze drone with a bomb. Junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee men were guarding the office. They guard the office with weapons even in the daytime. They seriously suffered. The bomb landed between the fence and building, where Pyu Saw Htee thugs sleep and guard. They also fired back. The military trucks, police car and ambulance also arrived there. At present, the terrorist junta forces checked and inspected around the town. All our comrades are safe,” said Mr. Saw John of Shwebo District Battalion – 15.
The attack was carried out by Shwebo District Battalion – 15 and Satan is Coming (Civilian Military – Sagaing Region Defense Force) as the second attack of the Warazein special operation.