MYANMAR – There have been multiple infighting cases in the terrorist junta army that resulted in the deaths of lieutenant colonels and captains, stated People’s Goal Team.
It is said that the spirit of comradery has been fading within the army of the generals that are destroying the country for their own selfish gains, due to the systems of downwards oppression, corruption and exploitation and disharmony within the units, and there have been an increased discontent at each other among the soldiers after the 2021 military coup leading to the failing military structure.
Moreover, the defence and attacks of the defence forces nationwide resulting in huge junta casualties, the rise of insubordination, seniors oppressing juniors in the army has reportedly resulted in many cases of junta soldiers shooting and killing each other.
On July 10, after the frontline troops of junta light infantry battalion 553 got drunk, Private Chan Aung shot dead Private Zaw Lwin. Similarly on August 11, Company Commander, Captain Aung Myo Thu from LIB 6 under junta Division 66 in Bago Division was killed by gunfire of a subordinate soldier.
On January 29, a sentry soldier from Pyin Oo Lwin electronic communications school, no longer able to bear the downwards oppression, shot dead the vice principal, Lieutenant Colonel Kyaw Thu Soe. Also, soldiers dissatisfied by the oppression and exploitation of Lieutenant Colonel Soe Min Latt, temporary tactical command for the Matupi based junta command in Chin State, reported the iteration of his trip to Chinland Defence Force (CDF) Matupi, and as a result, the colonel and his team were ambushed on their way back from Matupi at around 4 p.m. on May 5, killing Lieutenant Colonel Soe Min Latt and one engineer captain and injured captain Win Shwe, leader of the security team.
In addition, company commander, Captain Tin Min Htut from junta LIB 553 reportedly interrogated his subordinates and beat up squad commander Sergeant Min Min Soe, suspecting that he stole the missing cash from the illegal logging.