TANINTHARYI DIVISION – The terrorist junta council shelling the villages in Palaw Township injured two civilians and damaged two houses.
On August 8, the terrorist junta council shelled the villages of Mhawkyaung, Lakku, Myataung, Pitat, To, Zayetseik, Tapo, Pawutkone and Kyaungneint in Palaw Township even though there were no battles.
The shells fired by the terrorist junta troops are said to have hit two men from Zayetseik Village in the head and the hip and also hit two houses in Lakku Village, one of which went ablaze.
Said junta shelling is said to have been done by junta bases including Palaw based junta infantry battalion 285. Similar junta shellings in July had destroyed two small fishing boats in Pitat Village of Palaw Township.