SHAN STATE – Laukkai town in Kokang Self-Administered Zone was attacked by Junta’s aircraft continuously for 3 days from 22 July to 24 July, the local people reported.
“Laukkai was bombed by aircraft in this early morning. Kokang soldiers ware also hit by the bomb and even 6 and 7 storied buildings were seriously destroyed,” reported by a local people.
“They came and dropped bombs one time at 3:00 a.m. and another time at 6:00 a.m. in front of local administration office. We have not known the injuries and casualties exactly,” continued the local.
Another local people reported that on 23 July, at 1:40 a.m., bombs were dropped by 2 jet fighters in Laukkai, killing 2 security staffs of Lucky hotel near old market and one was seriously injured.
Moreover, on 22 July, Laukkai was attacked by the junta’s aircraft as second time. The first time was on 14 July and Hwan Kyar LiHwa Hotel in front of Li Light was destroyed and there were casualties.