KARENNI STATE – The Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) announced today (December 2nd) that the five junta council soldiers who were captured during the fighting near Loikaw have been treated and are in good condition.
Last November 26th, KNDF, Karreni National People’s Liberation Front, Loikaw Local PDF and PNDF jointly assaulted the 80th Infantry Battalion of the Junta Council under the 66th Division, which was on a combat patrol somewhere near Loikaw, and some Junta Council soldiers were captured during the battle.
“Five junta council soldiers were captured alive. One of them died while he was receiving medical treatment,” the KNDF official said.
The three prisoners of war who are receiving medical treatment, Po Htoo, Zaw Lin Phyo, and Myo Thet Min said they have been recruited into the army due to forced recruitment under the Militia Law.
“It’s been more than two months since I came to the front line. I didn’t go in on my own accord. I was forced to enlist by drawing lots. When there was a battle, I had to shoot out in fear. I don’t know if I was hit or not. And as soon as this side shouted to come into the legal fold, I put down my gun and defected” said veteran Myo Thet Min.
On November 26th, KNDF informed that at least 16 soldiers of the junta council were killed and many were injured during the battle near Lin Phong Lai village near Loikaw.
In addition, more than 20 weapons and ammunition were seized during the clearing of the area.