YANGON DIVISION – Mr. Ye Khaung, the official of Rangoon Urban Column (RUC) mentioned that URC attacked the security gate to the junta council’s staff housing, near the Naingnganyay bus stop, in Mingaladon township, Yangon division, using mines. Due to the attack, four junta council servants were said to have been injured.
It has been reported that RUC attacked the security gate to the junta council’s staff housing which is located near the Naingnganyay bus stop, on the side of Yangon-Mandalay highway, in Mingaladon township, at around 7:10 p.m. on November 6. Due to the mine attacks four junta council servants in plain clothes were injured. The injured junta council servants were brought back to the housing.
The official of RUC mentioned that RUC targeted the staff housing where the junta council servants and their family members are residing, including the junta council troops from the air force base headquarters. RUC intended to stop the inhumane crimes which are currently committed by the fascist junta council troops in the front line.
At the moment, Rangoon Urban Column (RUC) has started their very first campaign, “March towards Yangon, RUC”. They intended to get sixteen AK rifles and have appealed to the public to join the campaign.