CHIN STATE – More than 100 staffs working for junta council in Tonzang Township came into legal fold. After varying and signing a commitment letter, more than 30 of them have already been sent to a safe place, said an official of Tonzang People’s Defence Organization (PDO).
Similarly, two policemen deployed at Tonzang Myoma police station and a policeman working at Tamu District of SAGAING Division contacted Tonzang Township Administration Group and joined the legal fold.
“Two policemen from Tonzang police station and one from Tamu District joined CDM. There is no weapons with them. More than 100 Non CDMs in the Tonzang Township also came into legal fold. Over 30 people signed the commitment letter. The rest are still in the verification stage. Those junta lackeys are from General Administration office, Education Department, Health care, Account and Finance etc.,” explained the official of Tonzang Township PDO.
Non CDM staffs are encouraged to firmly stop working for terrorist council as it is the time to re-establish the country. They are being informed that those who would like to come into legal fold would be verified according to the Chin State CDM policy and Township CDM committee and People’s Administration Group are verifying for the acceptance.