MYANMAR – Waw Township People’s Defence Organisation (PDO) reported that there could be junta casualties after they attacked junta artillery battalion 310 and light infantry battalion 207 based in Theinzayat, Kyaikhto Township at the border of Mon State and Bago Division.
PDF forces attacked the two junta battalions around 9 a.m. on August 24, using three shock missiles and four 60 mm mortar shells.
“The 60mm shells did not explode so it was not effective. Two missiles landed in the artillery battalion. According to the reports we received, there were junta casualties,” said the representative of Waw Township PDO.
It is said that four junta soldiers from artillery battalion 310 were killed in those attacks but it is not yet confirmed.
The attack was carried out by Waw Township PDO and allied forces.
Following the attack, the junta artillery battalion is reported to have fired heavy weapons into the villages that landed in Wahdatkwin Village and killed a young man.
The junta guard post near light infantry battalion 207 in Theinzayat, Kyaikhto Township was also attacked on July 23 morning and seven junta forces were injured in that attack.